Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Didn't Suck!

My Valentine's Day did not suck yesterday. Did I spend it doing romantic things with a boyfriend/husband? BAWHAHAHA!!! Of course not, as if that would happen.
One of the things that I really dislike about Valentine's Day is that it's sole focus is on Romantic/Sensual relationships. It's as if they are the only types of relationships that matter and other types of love are not worthy of celebration. But yesterday I had a great Valentine's Day because I got to spend it with my family. My cousin and her husband were in town for a wedding and a bunch of my family members all got together for a brunch prepared by my Aunt and a good time was had by all. See, it doesn't have to be hearts and flowers.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jeremy Renner...Oscar Nominee!!!

Who's got a thumb and an Oscar nomination?...This guy!
Yay! My favourite actor, Jeremy Renner has been nominated in the Best Actor category for his performance in "The Hurt Locker". Although I'm happy for him, I'm afraid that the "honeymoon" period of my fandom for him may be coming to an end. If there is one thing people hate, it's having an awesome thing that they love that nobody else knows about and then they lose it to the general public. Now with the Oscar nomination, I can no longer keep Renner to myself, Booo!!!
I love him but I don't think he'll win it though. He's too new in the Academy's eye and they probably think that Jeff Bridges is way overdue (and he probably is...). But for me, he'll always win the Best Butt in the Business Award!
Smack That!!!